Hedgebae Thoughts

The Prototype

What am I doing slumming around in 2012? I had a lot to talk about that year. And I came across the prototype for Troutslap/SockSmack. I never sent this to the person in question, opting for it to just turn into a big ol' thing.

Dear so-n-so,

Seriously? Why can't you let this go? I had to remove myself from the conversation before I cursed any more. And can you blame me? I'm fed up with this system, fed up with having to explain myself, fed up with having to explain myself in a nice enough tone so I can be walked over some more. So excuse me.

And I had kept it to "apology accepted" and that was that because I didn't want to say anything else. I didn't want it do devolve any more than it did. I was content to shut the fuck up and not talk about it for awhile. But I just kept taking your bait. And fuck me running for failing whatever test you had set up and accepting your apology because you DID. FUCK. UP.

And I really need to change my thing on here to masochist since I'm still replying to you. In no particular order and with pockets of anger because I don't feel like tone-policing myself...

BUT FIRST. The inevitable and obligatory things that I knew were going to pop up because that is how things go:

I'll keep this short and only reply within the scope of this message (and for the record, it's not an issue of class; it's a race issue).

One last thing(s?):

I'm just gonna stop right here.

/me breathes slow

But I'm sending you this, I am forcing myself to go through your message entire, because this is important to me. Because you took your time to write it all out, the least I could do is at least read it all.

It's fine if you don't read it and delete it outright. It's fine if want to want to say goodbye over this. This is my catharsis. I am through playing this game of "Smile and Nod and Say Nothing to Rock the Boat" and I'm going to have to come to terms with losing people over this. Fine.

Take care of yourself.